Carved Gutta Percha Coral Bookbinding Binding 1880

Victorian Carved Gutta Percha Coral Bookbinding Binding 1880

Antique carved gutta percha inlayed with coral cabochons binding with engraved lock made during the 1880's.The carved ebony binding is not in perfect condition a few coral caochons are missing as you can see on the pictures below. 12 7/8" height 9 5/8" width 2 5/8" depth (width of the back part) weight 4lb 0.692oz (1.834kilograms).

For our French-speaking friends
Luxueuse reliure italienne plats et dos en gutta percha sculpté en demi-ronde bosse d'animaux, attributs et ornements enrichis de cabochons de corail vers 1880. Quelques accidents et cabochons manquant, les photos ne cachent rien. Hauteur 32,7 cm, largeur 24,5 cm, épaisseur du dos 6,7 cm. Poids 1,834 kg.


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